Countdown to inspection
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2020-08-04 09:14 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 20 references Ignore this thread
Countdown to inspection

I'm leaving in a few minutes to head out and get the van inspected. If everything works out then it will be mine by tomorrow at the latest. I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous but excited and hopeful. I really do want this to happen and of course in its place im selling Tod, my truck. I'm sad to see Tod go but having three vehicles is too many for me. I can't drive all three and I certainly don't see the point in keeping it if I don't plan to use it, you know? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will sell quickly and efficiently. 

Please keep your fingers crossed that this works out. After years of searching, I finally found something that's close to what I need and want, and that in itself is something to be excited about. 

I will let you know as soon as I find out if it passed and what will happen. A lot of effort, time, and money is being thrown around into this, and even though I have a good feeling that doesn't mean it will follow throw. 

Ohhh I can feel the butterflies now. 

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