Self Driving Car commercial
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-06-07 09:42 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories Ignore this thread
Self Driving Car commercial

I’ve been seeing a certain commercial floating around recently. It’s one where there is a guy who is in a self-driving car and is having a conversation about "the old days" with the vehicle. About a time when he used to be in the front seat and when it used to be adventurous. At the end of the commercial he leaves the self-driving car and goes back to an "old" version of the vehicle where he’s driving and is all happy and smiley. This commercial has been floating around a lot more recently and I am still unsure of how I feel about it. 

Me personally, I love driving. I love being behind the wheel and being able to control when I get to my destination, how fast I make it there, where I Stop to eat, controlling the music, etc. The idea of everyone having a self-driving car...well. It’s nice but I think it should be a choice for those who really want it. Self-driving cars would be nice for those who are older and can't drive or even for those who drink quite a bit and want to get home safely. For those purposes I can see the use of the self-driving car and I think that's where they would mostly come in handy. 

But do I think EVERYONE needs a self-driving car? No. I don’t. I still think that we should have options and those options should be available to those who can drive. Except now we will have three options instead of two. Manual, Automatic, and of course Self Driving. But of course the government thinks it would be safer to just have everyone trade in their old vehicles and just have the self-driving car so that nobody will have accidents and the roads will be safer. Yea, I think I’ll pass. Maybe when I’m in my eighties and I don’t care anymore. Then we can chat and work something out but for now...I’ll stick with my manual and enjoy the drive. 

After all, I like being able to control where I go and when. 


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