22nd Birthday Trip
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-06-22 13:47 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 11 references Ignore this thread
22nd Birthday Trip

I have some exciting news! 


I am going to New Zealand for my 22nd birthday! Gahhhh! It is so exciting. Like my palms are still sweating from hitting that book button. Its insane. IM going to a country that I have never been to before and I am going to experience this wonderful place on my own. Now i may have a friend who will be with me for the first week im there but it hasnt been confirmed yet. When I get to New Zealand I am going to be renting a camper so that I have full control of where I want to go and when. I am so excited and my heart is so full that I can hardly stand it. 

Of course there will be a ton of photos, footage, and blog posts about this trip. I really cant wait to see what comes my way and what will happen. 

I hope you guys will follow along and continue to support me. The trip is in late September so if you guys would help me out by purchasing my art pieces so that I cna save some cash for this trip that would be fantastic. 

Thank you guys so much and I am jumping for joy at this opportunity!

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