Family history
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-11-15 09:52 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 38 references Ignore this thread
Family history

I can most definitely say that going through someone else's life is a strange feeling that I am not 100% for or against. While going through grandmas stuff I ended up having so many questions and no answers for them. As I dug through her belongings trying to figure out what I wanted and didn't want I realized just how little I really knew about the family. Grandmas maiden name was hickey and there are so many pictures of her family laying around. To be honest I know none of them and it hit me hard when I was going through all the old photos. They were black and white and there were hundreds of them laying around. Some were stuffed in boxes. Others in some photo albums. They were everywhere you looked and it just baffled me. 

Of course there also were photos of the other side of the family. The gibbons and I also don't know any of them. There are huge photos in frames and luckily some have names on the bottom but there are so many that just say Gibbons and of course that doesn't help me in any way. It's mind blowing to see it all in front of me. A time that I will never see for myself. A time when photos were only just being taken. A time when life was completely different for men and women alike. 

So I'm coming home with hundreds of photos that I get to scrapbook and make sure that they are taken care of and preserved. Of course I don't know a majority of who they are but I still think they are fascinating to look at and to have. They were a time I don't know. A time that I may never know about or what was happening or who the people are but .That doesn't mean I was going to let them get thrown to the waste side .

The times may have changed and nobody else may have wanted them but, I don't mind taking them in and keeping them alive. After all its part of the family history.


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