Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-11-28 12:43 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 35 references Ignore this thread

The thing about us humans is that we always have opinions. When it comes to politics, we have opinions. When we it comes to health care, we have opinions. When it comes to how to lose weight, we have opinions. All of it becomes a cycle of what we think and it’s a constant battle of who is right and who is wrong. When we don’t like what someone else says we have to throw in our two cents to try and have the last word so that it sticks longer in everyone else's brain and can maybe sway what they think. 

Personally I grew up with learning politics. I grew up learning about health insurance and what a scam it is. I hear it all and over the years I have learned to just listen and not give my two cents. Why? Because when I do it usually ends in a bad manner. People don’t like it when you have facts that they didn’t know about. They don’t like the truth of the world and how it goes around. They don’t like learning that what they were taught in school is wrong or biased. People tend to think that because they threw twenty grand at someone’s feet that they are correct in what they teach you and always will be. 

Sadly that’s not always true and as I continue to move along in my relationship with D I have come across a lot of unknowns when it comes to the world of politics, health care, and etc. The thing about men and opinions is that it is much harsher than women having conversations about politics. Especially when you have experience vs educational systems. It’s hard to dictate what to say in my relationship with D because I have learned that there is a small barrier when it comes to this subject. What I say doesn’t make an impact and I have learned to shut up when it comes into play. 

Opinions have a way of dictating what we do, how we react and so much more. I will admit that it even puts me at a disadvantage because I honestly could give less of a **** on 90% of these subjects and yet the men in my life both have strong opinions on it. The difference is that one does research and the other just believes everything the educational system throws at him and what is in every article. Truthfully I have come at a crossroad and I have learned something new about myself and the men that I am constantly surrounded by. I hope that I can learn someday how to actually navigate this road but for now I am going to sit back and observe because truthfully that’s what I am best at. Observing. 


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