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Sarah the Traveler Single Post Display (Show in context)
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User Info I will live my Dream; entered at 2017-08-11 09:20:55
Posts: 20
Registered: 2017-06-19
Hi Sarah! The photos you have posted are crazy beautiful! There will always be someone or some artist that you think is better. I've learned instead of it paining you or feeling less, you know embrace why you think the work is ahead of you and just enjoy it!! The earlier posts like the pier is amazing...and probably not constructed but just taken at a moment in time and you captured it!

I also agree with learning from a structured approach when you are ready to combine your inspiration with that. So that yourself is not lost in the process of learning. That may sound confusing. That's just what I have experienced and I still fall off but I fall back on that. I am an "everything person" ha ha! I unfortunately still have to reign myself in! Love your post and photos! I am newish to your blog but love to see your work! Take care, Kelly
2017-08-11 09:20:55