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User Info cable; entered at 2017-08-12 13:18:34
Posts: 20
Registered: 2017-06-19
Hi Sarah!

I've never had cable...the best I thought was living in Grosse Ile we could get the Ontario stations..many movies in French! That's the language I chose in HS and in College.

Ok to deviate? This is related to your artistic knowledge and wanting to use it as a profession... I am going to quote Bobbi artist and entrepreneur.."OH, come on! Please. Do you think I had a clue how to start a makeup business? I didn't. Did I have a clue how to write a book? No. Do I have a clue how to do anything? I don't But I love doing what I don't know. It's likely that curiosity and passion have led to success" Sarah take advantage of your beautiful Dad's have the option! Go for it!! Love Kelly
2017-08-12 13:18:34