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Sarah the Traveler Single Post Display (Show in context)
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User Info Progress ; entered at 2017-08-29 16:44:54
Posts: 20
Registered: 2017-06-19
Sarah! Super Cool!! I am a life long runner, recently taking time off...just have to get my head back into it...for special reasons. Running is my muse and mentor..I have been running consistently since about 12 or 13. Up until now..I just don't want to contaminate how good it feels and has always felt with the not so much right now. I have complete respect for that outside of me or inside of my mind that eventually takes over every step and I forget how tired I am or how early it is or how cold it is or how hot and icky I feel...true beauty! Kind of deep I know..but so cool that you are accomplishing running goals!!! Competition is cool too...kick ass!!
2017-08-29 16:44:54