Valentine's Day is not usually one that is celebrated in our family. Sure we get each other some chocolates every once in a while but it honestly is a holiday that we both skip. Last year I had an amazing experience but this year it was just another day. I ended up sleeping in, having some coffee and then going running. It was all before 3 p.m and I felt good about getting some exercise in. Then the day got a little bit more interesting. I happened to come back from my run and as it turns out the neighbors were getting ready to head out and pick up their sibling. Making my way up the driveway I got to say hello to the two boys and even had a funny comment made about my appearance. The youngest brother looked at my shoes and suddenly asked me this question.
"Did you go swimming?" Those of you that don’t know, I wear five finger shoes. These shoes are the best. They are super light, flexible and they make you feel like you’re running barefoot. Ever since I was in high school I have been running with five fingers and I swear that I will never go back. So when he asked me this question I couldn’t help but smile. Kids are so curious when they are young.
I got to talk to the neighbors and catch up a little bit while I cooled down from my run. Of course when it comes to raising kids a lot happens in a couple days’ time. So while we were standing around I watched as Super Mom made chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries. She then went the extra mile and put some in a bag for us. I was surprised to get anything and honestly just seeing her would have been enough. I’m pretty easy to please so when she ended up giving us some I was pretty surprised. I can’t tell you that they tasted delicious and I could feel the love she poured into them. It’s so nice to have real neighbors and people who we can trust with our personal lives.
So I hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day. I know I did.
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