Im gonna die
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-04-18 07:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 26 references Ignore this thread
Im gonna die

The pollen has finally come after me. I mean that in almost a literal sense. Yesterday I woke up and from the moment I did I knew that I had a stuffed nose. So I got up, did my business, cleared my nose and went on my day. Well it didn’t end there. As I started to get more and more into my activities I started noticing that my nose was dripping randomly. One minute I would be fine and the next I was sneezing uncontrollably. I’m not sure why this has to happen every year but no matter what I do, it happens. 

It was pretty awful and I ended up giving up somewhere in the middle of my errands. I finished my paintings and then I decided it was time to sit down and not try to do anything else. My nose was out of control and I really couldn’t do much in this condition. 

I was even upset enough to have dad bring home a small cheesecake. Let me just say that it was exactly what I needed. Well it’s what my stomach needed, my nose not so much. I hope that it will be clear up and it will pass on. I really hate not being able to breathe and do my normal activities. You guys that’s how bad it is. I can’t do normal things. It’s really frustrating and it’s driving me nuts. 

I sincerely hope that this does not happen when I leave for my trip. I need to be in top shape for this drive and for all the adventures I am about to part-take in. Keep your hopes up that this passes soon and that I can bring you guys all the awesome photos and video. 


Do you guys have really bad allergies? 


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