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User Info Four Walls ; entered at 2017-06-16 15:33:32
Posts: 5
Registered: 2017-06-16
My four walls also have four wheels (well, actually six)..... three years ago I purchased a used 28ft RV..... I knew she would be super important in my life so I affectionately named her "Bertha"... she will take me anywhere I want to go AND in the comfort of my own home, which it is. I've had some great trips in her already and can't wait for each new trip/adventure!

A year ago I outfitted my car with everything needed to pull behind Bertha so now I can take my car, too!

I completely understand that feeling of being free on the road and applaud you for finding it at such a young age.... most people never find it.


2017-06-16 15:33:32