To much wine but totally worth it
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-01-20 11:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 36 references Ignore this thread
To much wine but totally worth it

For the first time in a long time I had a girls night last night. And by having a girls night I can say that not only did I have a lot of fun and destress but I also may have had way to much to drink. Like way more then I was expecting and I quite honestly am not sure how I woke up without being completely and totally hungover but I did. Of course I feel kind of slow and a little sluggish but it will pass with water, coffee and some food in my belly. 

It's one of those things that I didn't really plan for an especially not before I have to go do the only shift I have for the rest of month. I was invited to go climbing and it turned into a eating and drinking fest with some awesome and empowering females. 

Not only are they people that I climb with but one them I'm also gonna work with so it was one of those moments were it felt really awesome to be introduced and included in something that normally doesn't happen. Sometimes we need time to be away from everybody you already know, open your horizons and just have a glass of wine. I know for everybody there it was an enjoyable experience and everybody had a great time. 

I hope that it happens more often and that I continue to make friends with these amazing and empowering females..

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