Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2020-09-27 10:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Travel/Stories/Tips , 298 references Ignore this thread

Yesterday we went to Yellowstone national park and spent some time exploring. The day before we went to see Ole Faithful and it was pretty cool because we got to see it go off. Not only that but we got to see the Castle geysers go off as well and that was a pretty cool experience to have. I honestly have seen geysers before in Iceland so for me, it was like a "been there done that" sort of thing but for my friend Steph she was so excited that she was pretty much dancing and singing as she went from geyser to geysers. I felt happy for her but I was hoping to see more than the one area in the park so after that we decided to go ahead and do our separate things the second day. 

First off, I saw Bison. A ton of them. Second I saw elk and there were so many of them. I ended up seeing one that I saw yesterday and later on in the day I accidentally ran into a buck while I was on this trail with Lylah (Btw: Yellowstone is NOT dog friendly. We just happened to come across a trail that didn't have a sign saying that she wasn't allowed so we went ahead and did it). My friend steph got to see a black bear and a herd of Bison which answered one of the questions I had about Bison (we had only seen single bison so we weren't sure if they were herd animals) and made me feel better about them in general. 

Mostly the whole experience was amazing because of the wildlife. Yellowstone for me was a hit and miss. A lot of the things I saw were pull-outs that you could get to quickly and then go back to your car. One snap of a photo and you were onto the next area. It made me realize that if I go back to Yellowstone I would like to do an expedition of some sort so that I get a more full experience. I saw many cool and interesting things there and I felt happy just to go visit the park but I wanted a little bit more. Something to hold onto not something that everyone else had done before. 

Considering the circumstances though I will take the little pull-out adventures. It was worth the trip into the park and to see with my own eyes. 

Oh and here is a picture of a mother f**king Bison. SO FREAKING COOL

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