Yesterday the gym opened to the staff and to members who paid through our shutdown. Basically we had about thirty people who kept paying their membership even though they didn't have to. Without them though I'm pretty sure that we wouldn't have been able to make most of the changes. Through the whole shutdown, we were able to repaint, fix the t-nuts, clean the pads (falling zone), wash all the holds, and just make the gym cleaner and better. Now with the governor finally giving us a date we decided that all those people who contributed should have the gym to themselves for at least one day before we open up to the public.
So we made our way to the gym, climbed for most of the morning and by early afternoon we were so pooped that we had to call it quits. We climbed hard and it felt so good to just give everything you had to the wall and just enjoy the fact that it was open again at all.
Today I go back to work and even though I'm excited I also am a little apprehensive about it. I'm not sure what it entails and I'm not sure how the day will go but the good news is that I get to go hang out with my dad afterwards and have a few drinks. I can say that even if the day goes bad I will get to enjoy some quality time with my father since he came back into town to hang out with me and some friends that he didn't get to see before he officially moved.
Our world may be "change" forever but it is nice to finally have some normalcy back.
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