West is in play
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2020-06-09 13:43 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 24 references Ignore this thread
West is in play

So I have an announcement. 

In roughly two months I will be embarking on a trip out west after a twelve-day trip to Peru. I'm going out there for almost two months to scout out the states and to see if I like it out there. I've visited Colorado and California a few times but I didn't do anything else. I'm hoping to move out there with my bf by next summer and if things go well then that is where we will settle for a few years before making another trip to somewhere else. Before you ask, yes I am still looking for campers or a campervan so that I can travel a couple of times a year independently but this is going to be a big change for me either way. I've lived in the East most of my life so I figured I should make the move while I can. 

With that being said it means that I will be out of a job for a few months. I plan to come back to the Destin area once I am done and work for about eight months before I go back to live there permanently. This is big and I am really excited about it but I am also nervous about how it will all go. I plan to make Youtube videos about my travels, sell artwork, and take donations to help me with this amazing journey. I'm not sure how things will turn out and I don't know if I will find somewhere that just..resonates with me but I am going to try anyway. 

I thought I would put down the announcement now so that you guys can follow on my plans, my travel, and posts. There will be a lot to tell you and there will be so much good from this experience. I hope you guys are just as excited as I am. 

If you want to make donations the button is on the right-hand side and if you want to purchase an art piece to help me out then click here to go to my gallery. 

Thank you guys so much for all of the support you have been giving me. It has helped me so much and I am looking forward to continuing this journey I started five years ago. Traveling, loving life, loving myself, and just living. I do what I do because of how much I love who I have become and I hope that you guys will continue to follow as I make this jump. 


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