9 new pieces coming your way
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2021-03-06 14:34 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 2 references Ignore this thread
9 new pieces coming your way

As some of you may know from previous posts in the past year I have struggled with my artwork because of an unhealthy relationship I was in. The relationship I was in before this current one was super damaging to my creative side. My ex was slightly controlling, always upset about anything and everything, needing more attention than I could give, got upset when I wanted to make more pieces for not only myself but for my fans, and of course, tried to blame everything that was going wrong on me. It was a huge amount of stress and it made my artwork suffer and when I got out of the relationship I slowed down on my creativity and it spiraled. I had a hard time really committing to my pieces and whenever I would make one piece I would stop because I didn't want to overdo it and make my pieces suffer if I wasn't going to give it my best for every piece. 

It's been over a year and I finally am coming back into my artwork. My creativity is finally where it needs to be. I feel good when I make art and I finally feel like I'm on the right track with it. I found a medium that I am happy with and I am finally taking the plunge to commit to my artwork more and more. 

Yesterday I spent two hours making nine brand new pieces. Yes, you read that right. 9 new pieces. I swear it was the best I have felt in so long and I feel like there was a piece of me that finally came back to the surface. I've been feeling more confident, I'm taking care of myself again, I'm more positive than ever and I feel like I can finally move onward in not only my mental health but my physical health. That last relationship really ate at me and even though I've faced some hardships in this new relationship we're still doing a lot better than before. Things are looking up and I love feeling the way I do. 

So without further ado, here are 3 out of 9 pieces that I made yesterday. They aren't for sale yet because I have to put the epoxy on them but when they are dry they will be ready to rock and roll and go to new homes. I'm so excited that my artwork is taking this turn. It's the direction that I was so hopeful for and I'm ready to start making more art at a consistent pace. 

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