Still here
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2022-06-26 21:20 by Sarah Denninger
in Travel/Stories/Tips , 60 references Ignore this thread
Still here

I am still in Stanley. Enjoying the fresh air, the wonderful 70-degree weather, and the company. Since being in Stanley I have met some amazing people. I've made friends with people who would love to have me come back through at some time in the future. I even had a nice place to stay with a local in the area which is fantastic. He has been more than accommodating and I am so glad that I have met someone who doesn't mind my company and wants me here. I've done rafting and even have done some kayaking on some creeks which were new and exciting. I've seen a few lakes and have done some pretty difficult hikes here. It doesn't take much for me to lose service which is a wonderful upside to me. 


Not only do I get to enjoy nature and let Lylah wander around But I also get to enjoy the time and be alone, not just from others but from the noise and from people in general which is not only amazing but much needed. Sometimes out here when you go on these hikes you end up being completely and totally alone which for some people may freak them out but for me is a much-needed time to not only spend with Lylah but also to let me have some sanity on my trips. Being able to enjoy nature is always a fun time and the views here are just spectacular. This place has made me feel so good and I have loved every second of being here. So far in the U.S I can see myself really enjoying staying here. It is a small town so there is no Walmart, Albertsons, or even a target but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's great to know that places like this still exist out here and of course, I hope it stays that way. 

So far in this area and from talking to the locals, it seems like they purposely made it super hard to get building permits here which is fantastic and means that it will keep most people away. Well, that and the winters here can be brutal from what I understand. It can get below zero but from the talk around town, it's not too often that it gets that cold. 

The interesting part about all of this discovery is finding out that they still have homes where you can use a central heating system (meaning cut wood and burn it) in the living room that heats up the rest of the house slowly but surely. I had never really seen a setup like it before so finding out that there are places that still use that central system was not only fascinating but kind of a throwback in time. I never thought I would experience that and I am so glad I have. 

In a few days, I'm finally heading down south to Utah. I was supposed to leave tomorrow but I ran into an issue with my phone and I now have to wait for my backup phone to arrive before I can leave. The good news is that at least I have somewhere to hang out and that I can explore for a little bit more. 


Thank you to all of those that have purchased an art piece in the past month. It means the world and helps me out tremendously. I'm excited to make more artwork when I get home. 

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