Twitter and Jews
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-03-20 10:08 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 61 references Ignore this thread
Twitter and Jews

So there is something that My father and I both found amusing. I’m sure he's already written an article about it and most of you that are reading this have read it. In case you are unaware of what’s going on let me just say that there is this guy on twitter who started tweeting on my page about how my father "hates Jews". It’s really ironic considering that he has dated a Jew and is good friends with her to this day. He then went on to say that I should look deeper into his article and how it states that "Jews are no allowed to live as people".....

Ya'll I can't even begin to state how much I wanted to dig into this guy and give him some education on who my Dad is and what he does. 

Yes, he has opinions and yes not everyone is going to agree with him. That is totally ok and honestly it's expected. We live in a world where nine times out of ten you’re going to have someone who is going to argue with you to all high heavens no matter how much you try to get them to see your side. 

Most of my life I grew up listening to what my dad blogs about and I learned quite a bit about the world and what happens in it every day. I was the kid at school who talked about it to her friends because I thought it was important. I thought that we needed to know. Of course my friends didn't care about politics so it made me seem like the weird kid and maybe I was. For me though it taught me that there are people out there who really do their research, who listen to what is happening and find ways to share it with others. My dad had made some things simpler for others to understand and has helped numerous people when it comes to saving money, knowing how to do stocks, what political matters are actually going on, what the laws really mean, and so much more. I know I’m his kid so I come across as very biased but also understand that I have talked with some people on his blog. That I have seen that change. That it even has helped me and my friends (a younger generation who wasn't really taught much on politics or the laws of our world) how to do certain things. 

If you can't read in between the lines, be open minded and consider his opinions in any shape, way, or form then you have no business on his blog or his twitter for that matter. So take that ignorance and that close minded self and go rot under a rock for all I care. 


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