Heading out for another adventure
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-03-29 10:55 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 19 references Ignore this thread
Heading out for another adventure

Hey you guys! Today I am leaving for Atlanta and while I am there I will be seeing Icon For Hire in concert again. Im really excited since I am staying with a new friend of mine and his beautiful Husky. Sadly Spice will NOT be joining me on this little excursion due to it only being three days and two of them are mostly me driving. So I am leaving my little one behind to have a little bit of me time. I am really excited and I hope that I get some awesome pictures. Last year I did really well and I came home with a bunch of shots that I never expected to have. I wonder if I have gotten any better and what I can capture. 

Of course I will be posting some photos on here when I am back and I cant wait for you all to see them. 

In the meantime I know that my friend and I will be having a blast and catching back up on things that we do and our journey's through life. I really think that its going to be a lot of fun and this time I have someone who can take me out on the town and show me what Atlanta has to offer. Maybe Ill get to see my other friends that are in the city. Really, I am not sure. I just know that I am going to enjoy it and I am really excited. New friends and one adventure can mean a lifetime of possibilities. 

So for now I will bid you all a good day and I hope you guys are ready for some fun stuff that will be coming your way once I am back. I will have a video, photos, and of course posts about this adventure. 


Stay Tuned you guys!

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