Finishing it up
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-04-07 07:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 13 references Ignore this thread
Finishing it up

It is the day. The day I get my half sleeve finished. I am so excited and I can't wait to see how it all comes together. For three weeks I have been imagining my art filled with bright colors and beautiful representations of the pinball machines I play. So far I have gotten many compliments on Skull adn the colors that were put into the piece. In a strange way skull turned out to be beautiful. I get some people who just assume its a skull and thats ok. They think its cool looking and to my eyes I know the story, the game, and why I wanted it presented on me. 

The rest of the piece is going to take a while. I plan to bring in headphones, a charger, water, and a snack for when we take a break. Im going at 2 p.m and were just gonna go until were finished. It was be the longest session I have ever done for a piece so we will see how it all goes down. I know for three hours I was pretty exhausted and unsure if I was going to finish. At some point it felt like sandpaper and I really wanted to kick the guy. Luckily he was almost done when it started to feel that way so I could ignore the pain for just long enough for him to put in the finishing touches. 

I know that once this peice is done I am heading down to the bar and having a triple sprite and vodka. Maybe a snack. Im not sure yet. All I know is that it will be a long day and it will be pricey. Yet I also know that it will be worth every cent. 

I am ready to be back in the chair to finish this masterpiece. 

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