When I wen to the gym yesterday I got an unexpected compliment. See the past few days have been pretty hard on me and because of that my whole workout routine was out of wack for a bit. Monday and Tuesday I ran. On Wednesday I took the day off and rested. Then Thursday was my day to go and do the gym. It had been about five days since I was last at 9Round and it was just because of timing. So I got off work, changed once I was off and headed to the gym. Now I had to be extra careful with the newest addition to my half sleeve so I decided to wrap my entire arm to prevent any friction on the inked skin.
The first few sets were pretty difficult and I really struggled to keep going but once I got through Round 3 I felt pretty good. At Round 5 I was working with the trainer, Who I will call V, and she was giving me directions to what she wanted me to do. So she'd say something like "Hook , Cross, Hook, Cross, Now uppercut!" and somewhere towards the end of the round she smiled a little and said something I wasn't expecting.
"Do you Feel stronger since you started coming here? Like do you feel it?" I told her that I did and she smiled and said "Well I can tell because you look stronger. Your stance looks more confident then it did"
You guys, that does mean a lot to me. It means that what i'm doing is working and that it is making a difference. To get that confirmation from a actual trainer means a lot. Its hard to do these high intensity workouts but it is so worth it. I can't wait to see how month two goes.
Here's too doing the best you can with your fitness/health.
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