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Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-09-18 07:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 50 references Ignore this thread
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I would like to say that I am officially done with death. I mean I have been for a while now and I really have been trying hard to keep it together but now it is over the line. I can say that 2018 has been a year that I would like to move past and never look back on. So many people and animals have passed in such a short time that I am not sure what to do anymore. If anything I am weary of who will be next and so unsure of how to handle it all. I want to say that things will be fine but how will I really know? The truth is, I don’t. I don’t know and I might never now if things will be fine. 

Right now I am tired. Emotionally tired. Physically tired. All around I would like to sleep for a very long time and just forget everybody and everything. I have people left and right who are giving me their condolences and who are telling me how sorry they am and I do accept them and thank them for that but at the same time its making me feel weighed down to hear it all. 

I’m not sure if the God of Death is trying to say something to us or if it’s just that time of the year but I can say that I want him gone and I want him to be gone for a while. Death has taken enough lives and I would like to not be involved in another one for quite some time. 

My birthday vacation is around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited. Please oh please don’t let there be any more death. 

Only one can hope that he stays away. 


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