Second Job?
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-01-15 13:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 38 references Ignore this thread
Second Job?

Recently I have been put in a tough position at my part time job. We are so slow that i'm not working very much this month. Overall I have around five shifts, if that. To be honest it is quite annoying and I am a little frustrated but I also anticipated this so I made sure to add it into my budget. With that being said I decided to look for a second job. Its the second time in my life that I have had to get a second job let alone work as much as I plan to. Right now, with everything going on I just don't have the money to be able to afford everything that my bf and I are planning. 

I do hope that things go well and that I can work both jobs. I know that for six months I am going to be utterly exhausted but I also just have to look towards the future. At the end of the month were going to New York and when we get back I have around three months before I go on my next trip. 2019 is going to be a busy but a very amazing year and I want to make sure I can do everything in my power to make these trips happen. 

For right now though I do ask that you guys help out and check out my artwork. Every purchase helps me out and will go towards my savings and help fund all the adventures we have planned. With that comes videos and photos that you get to see first hand

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While you are checking out my artwork I give you this cute picture of Spice with a fuzzy blanket. I am doing my best to take pictures every day so that you guys get something different in my posts. I hope you enjoy and this puts a smile on your face. 


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