Moving Forward
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-05-25 13:09 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 16 references Ignore this thread
Moving Forward

Yesterday I sold one of my older pieces and I couldn't be more excited about it. It is a piece I have had for quite some time and I was a little worried that nobody would purchase it. Yet someone finally gave it a shot and ordered it. I am super stoked. No matter how small the purchase is, every little bit really does help and will go towards my Iceland trip. So thank you purchaser (if you are reading this) for being amazing for helping me out. It means a lot. 

Today is a busy day and I have plenty on my list. I finally am starting to feel more like myself again and I am starting to get back into my normal routine. Really its quite nice to have those moments and to be able get back to where you were before things had gone sideways. For me it is a time to get things rolling and to really get back into the game. I know what I want and I know how to get there so its time to be real and to push past all the feelings and this wall that has been blocking my way. 

I am stoked about the next few months because this is a time for me to really put things out and to start making strides to a bigger and brighter future. 

SO I hope you guys will continue to support me and will continue to push me to bigger and better things. 

Cheers to what is to come. 

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Purchase this piece today! It is small enough to go into a priority box so it is easy to ship out and will be at your home in 2 days! If that isn't a steal then I don't know what is. 
This piece is made on a wood panel so it is super easy to hang up. All you need is a picture hanger, a small space to hang it, and it is ready to go. If you want to see other pieces like it just click here to go to my gallery! 

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