Today I am going to New Orleans. I will be making the drive here in an hour or so and will be having a grand ol time there. Really I am excited to see what New Orleans has to offer and even though I don't have a lot of time before the concert I will do my best to see what I can. I really am excited. Of course I do wish that it would have gone better and I do wish that I had other people go with me so that I could truly experience the New Orleans vibe but sadly that will not happen on this go.
I'm hoping that sometime soon there will be another concert in New Orleans and that other people can go with me to check it out and show me where all the cool kids hang out. Of course, i'm not sure if it will happen any time soon but I am hopeful for that chance.
While I am away in New Orleans I have plenty of options as to what you can purchase. I have over twenty pieces of art and I have a brand new one that I made just yesterday. I think it is quite beautiful and I enjoyed making it so much that I am planning to make another one here in a few days. Of course I also will be starting my big project for the Immamuel Church in Destin so there will be lots of cool things coming for you guys to see and check out.
If you wish to see other pieces then click here to check them out now. You guys are amazing and I can't wait to see what New Orleans has in store for me today!
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