While I was visiting my friend in Oklahoma I came to a realization. I was inspiring to her. See while I was there I took her to a climbing gym. She was wildly out of shape, was smoking, and had two kids. For her going to the gym was a new adventure. She looked at me and saw someone who was fit, happy and cared about her health. Really, she was right. I am all of those things and I continue to be those things. Why? Because I have influence from others who also like to be happy, fit, and healthy. I choose to not go out to eat, I choose to not eat a lot of carbs, I choose not to smoke, and I choose to exercise almost on a daily basis.
I remember that she didn't last very long climbing with me and truth be told I was a little thrown off by that. I had hoped that maybe she would get hooked and keep going until she couldn't even hold onto anything anymore. Of course, that was the wrong thing to think. When I first started climbing I lasted about an hour and then I was done. My hands hurt, I was afraid of the height of the wall, and I thought I would never do it again. Yet, here I am a whole year later still climbing and going strong.
I want her to get better. I want to keep inspiring her to do what she wants to do and to get better. I want her to stop smoking, to lose the weight, and to be an inspiration for others and her child. Of course, it's not up to me if she does it or not. It's up to her. She is the one who gets to decide when to take the first step and how to go about her path. Loving yourself, giving yourself the time of day to go out and exercise, and making better food choices. All of that is on her. I hope I can keep inspiring her from eight hundred miles away. I hope she can keep moving and making strides to be who she wants to be.
Only time will tell.
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