Moving stuff in the house is a weird experience. My dad has started to move things out of his room and even started to move two pinball machines. For the first time, I got to see Revenge from Mars without the top on it. It looked so naked. Really its not a lot of stuff but it feels like it when you're watching it all happen. The reality of the situation is that it's only about 1/4th of the house that is getting moved today if that. We have so much stuff and a lot of it is going to be around for another month or so. It's just a piece by piece move and its nice to have those little moments where you can reflect and see it all happening.
A lot of memories are coming and going as we go through the stuff and it makes me a little nostalgic. Like the memory of when we first moved in. The house was empty as can be and all we had was an air mattress to sleep on. No belongings for two days. At six the house seemed much bigger then it is now. From there we slowly fill it in. I remember picking which room I wanted and all the toys I got over the years. I remember going through stuff and trying to figure out what stuffed animals went where. I even am having moments where I remember pinball competitions with my dad. I had to sit on a stool because I couldn't see the game from my height. Everything was different.
Now that the house is slowly being emptied I have this weird feeling. I know that no matter what I do the house will be gone. My childhood home will belong to someone else and they will make different memories and will make changes that we wouldn't have done and that they will make the most out of the space. I know it's good. It's just also strange to see happening in person.
It's only the first step and there are so many more to go
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