Today I turn 23. It's weird when I think about everything that has happened in the past. All of the good, bad, and crazy. Everything is so different and so much has happened that is hard to believe that I made it this far. In the twenty-three years I have been alive the past five have been the best. I become someone I didn't ever think I could be and because of that, I feel pretty proud. I used to be super introverted, unsure of everything, and unhealthy. I was one of those kids that you would look at and be unsure of. You had no idea what I was going to do, where I was going to be or how I would turn out. Yet here I am, still going and expanding myself. It's crazy how much you can change.
I'm excited for today and I can't wait to see what happens. This birthday is already off to a great start and I am sure the rest of the day will live up to my expectations.
Cheers to another birthday and another successful year.
By the way, when it comes to the name of my vehicle nobody has guessed the correct movie yet. So the 15% off of any art piece you desire is still up for grabs. You just have to email me at and tell me which movie the name is from.
Hint: His name is Todd and its a Disney Movie