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User Info Sneezing attack ; entered at 2017-08-05 13:35:02
Posts: 20
Registered: 2017-06-19
Ok, so Logan used to have allergies we know this but as a kid. He was allergic to mold and sneezed a lot! I stopped giving him Claritin because of the pharmaceutical nature of it. He is fine now. Lauren and Logan I think had one flu shot each in their lives...I don't trust that either...the last time I had the flu was in college and that was just a gross communicable bacterial thing.

So, what do you think in your environment is causing the sneezing? Me, I would venture something, right? Better days at work!! I have a sister who unfortunately inhaled black mold and is still sick after 7 years. Take care!
2017-08-05 13:35:02