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User Info Raven Cliff Trail ; entered at 2017-11-03 17:51:42
Posts: 12
Registered: 2017-05-27 Dallas Texas
RE cats travelling in cars, I have many days and miles and a couple generation of cats of experimentation with that. Longest trip so far Houston to Seattle via CA coast, 4 weeks of camping with 2 cats. My take is a bit different, but then again my cats are also a bit "different". Generally they are outdoors trained since they are kitten (under very tight supervision at first}. They are allowed in nature most of the day and are always inside after dark. They never stray and always come on call. They can go on a leash but it is not necessary, they go on little walks and just follow me, with a bit of curiosity meandering of course. So obviously they do not stress about the outdoors, although they are very cautious in new places. When out of the car I ALWAYS leave a door open so they can get back in quickly if they feel unsafe. They never strayed while camping. The other point is by the time we take trips my cats are "BONDED" to each other and myself. How you know that: they come on call when outside ALWAYS, they follow you (although they remain very aloof with people they do not know). I would not let out a cat who seems stressed in any way. My cats are generally very "mellow", if very inquisitive.
Generally, may be it is just the videos, it seems to me that Spice looks a little stressed -body language and especially the expression in her eyes.

I cannot have the cats in a cage during car travel as it would be stressful to them and I would need a good pair of ear plugs. They seem to be trained not to come to the front of the car/ van (they get yelled at very loudly if they try -and I never yell at them ...or anyone).

My only travel "incident: a 2 week trip with a rented SUV where I had to spend half a day with the vinyl repair kit before returning the vehicle (spotless mind you). I am really good at matching color-texture now. I always trim claws, but I had on board my "wild cat" Annie (not a pet at the start) and I could not trim claws on her and the door upholstery was so ...fragile. Also watch for claw scratches on door steps...put a mat or something.
Will be starting a US-wide open ended camping trip with my 2 present cats now 3 years old. They adopted me as kitten, finding my porch by themselves and smartly bypassing the shelter. One of them climbs up and down tall trees and runs at cheetah speed... so no leash for him.
2017-11-03 17:51:42