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User Info My Neighbors ; entered at 2017-05-26 18:10:30
Posts: 1
Registered: 2017-05-26
Ok, this post moved me to register and comment. At my primary residence in NJ, I have two great neighbors on either side. We've helped each other secure our boats during hurricanes, provided each other with power and heat during power outages, etc., and secretly, competitively, prematurely mow our attached lawns in order to beat each other and make the other look bad. It's a silent game we play.

At my 2nd place in TN, my nearest neighbor (1/2 mile away) was so kind and helpful after a recent breakin that we became instant friends. Even though this guy was 60ish, with many health issues, his first inclination was to check up on and help his neighbor. I'm blessed to be so lucky, and so are you.

Relationships with your community are so important, and I'm glad you recognize that and have found good friends, as I have.
2017-05-26 18:10:30