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Sarah the Traveler Single Post Display (Show in context)
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User Info Grand Canyon Memories ; entered at 2017-05-11 22:25:14
Posts: 1
Registered: 2017-05-11 Great Falls, MT
Greetings Sarah! According to the data box when I signed in, there are no comments yet so maybe I am the first. When I clicked on your icon on the Market-Ticker page and saw that it was really you and what your focus topic is going to be, I had to come back and sign up. I enjoyed reading your post today about the Grand Canyon visit. And, unless you have a much bigger lens than I do, I am going to chide you right off the bat about you elk pic (which is great, by the way). When you Dad wrote up his notes about your trip, he made some comments about too close approaches to wild animals. Take heed. I have a long life of experience in this issue and know he has the correct perspective.

There are so many places to go and see in America and being from Texas originally I know of many that you drove right by on you way to AZ. Some may not be as enticingly beautiful as what you describe here but all have their own story to tell. The great thing is you have an entire life to pursue this dream, attaching the beauty to the story.

Looking forward to more. All the Best.
2017-05-11 22:25:14