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Sarah the Traveler Single Post Display (Show in context)
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User Info Single ; entered at 2017-07-03 01:40:45
Posts: 20
Registered: 2017-06-19
Wow, I couldn't agree with you are my soulmate! I really appreciate your wisdom with this topic. So, I can only say that experiencing time alone can be a struggle especially if you have a lot of love and life that you want to give and include with someone else. Whether your gender my suggestion is to dig deep within yourself before becoming another's "thing". That may sound "far out" but that right now is the best that I can come up with:) So, I am a "girl girl"...I think that should be included in the language of the "LGBTQP" "G" new addition to the social movement:) Not kidding!! Stay strong to your plan and inspire us all...plans change by the minute:) Happy 4th of July "Girlfriend" "G"
2017-07-03 01:40:45