There’s one saying that I don’t understand. "Forgive and Forget" Its such a stupid saying really. What it is putting out there for us all to interpret is that we should forgive those who have done wrong to us and forget what it was completely. To me that is what the saying means. If you think about it though, if we forgave and forget all of the hatred, sadness, and madness then we would never learn as a species. We would be left with nothing to look on for experiences. We would continuously fall for the same thing over and over again because there is no memory to look back on. There isn’t something there for us to go look at and go "Maybe we shouldn’t do it like that this time but, this way instead". Experiences come from remembering them, documenting them and sharing them with people we know. All that we know and do as a human is from the hardship, happiness, death, burdens, life, and so much more. WE can’t build relationships without those stories and thoughts. Its like saying we would rather be robots then be human. Sure the idea sounds nice for a little while. The thing about being a robot is that what we feel now wouldn’t exist in our robot form. Technically love isn’t real in a robot version of ourselves.
Forgive and forget is a saying that I always correct when others say it to me. Especially ones that have hurt me in the past and try to use that saying as a wild card. Sometimes people say I am holding onto the experiences too hard and that I hold grudges. Sure I can hold a grudge but only if it’s bad enough to do so. I tell people these experiences because I want them to see what they did and recognize that not everyone in the world is pure. People are complex creatures with many different sides of themselves. So of course I changed the words around to fit what I believe is the correct way to use the saying,
Forgive but never forget.
Now sure I don’t know the origins of the saying but, in a sense it doesn’t matter. You can go ahead and forget your experiences and forgive anybody who does you wrong. You can tell them that you want to be friends again or date again but all that will happen is a viscous cycle of being used over and over again. You will be run into the ground until there is nothing left of yourself. You won’t have standards, morals, and nothing to look on to teach you how to appropriately react to a situation that arises. You will become almost nothing and even if you give everyone love, that doesn’t mean that love will be returned. A pawn is a pawn in the world we live in. The weak go down and strong survive. we may not be in the time where that is always the way things go but, for those who play their cards correctly that is the way the world goes round and unless you catch on quickly there is no way to get out of it. You will be run down. So yes, forgive. Forgive those who hurt you and made you feel small in the worst of times but don’t forget those experiences. Those are what make you into a better person and it can also help someone someday by telling them what you know. Knowledge is power and to let it go is to say goodbye to who you are to become.
Don’t forget what you have done, hang onto it and spread it around. Change the world with your stories or at the very least change someone else’s life. You may save them from a terrible situation.
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