One of my favorite things to collect is CD's. I think it comes from my Dad and his massive collection. IT rubbed off on me and because of that I have bought my discs and kept them. Let me tell you that storing them was so difficult and throughout the years I have moved it to various places in my room. One time they were even stored in my closet just because of the collection was so big and I didn’t have a table I could store it on. So I gave up and put them away. It all changed though when I decided to throw away or donate a lot of my items from when I was seventeen. After that I got shelves put up to store The more collectable items I have and the CD's took one whole shelf and a very well reinforced shelf. It was over a hundred CD's at that time.
About a year ago I purchased a desk. Throughout the years I used my Dad's old desk and as time went on I realized that I needed something with shelving space, drawers, filing cabinets, and enough space for two monitors/accessories. I needed an adult desk. So I went on a FB group and found a real wood, roll top desk that was for sale for $300. It was a big deal for me and when I brought tit home I fell in love. Over the course of the year I have made use of the massive top Shelf of the desk. Its gigantic and it can hold a large amount of weight.
Fast forward to now and I can say that I have finally moved onward and was given a large CD Player/Filer. It holds up to 300 CD's and it’s all in one location. No need for the actual cases, just the physical CD. So without farther ado I decided to go ahead and use it. Let me say that I will not be getting rid of the cases at any point but I am so happy to be able to play the physical CD's again. I actually like to listen to the CD and only not have the next song be something random. Its nice and I can listen to the music while I do other things. It gets me away from the computer and lets me focus on other things that I can do.
I know I will continue to collect CD's and that I will use this amazing player to its fullest potential. Sometimes going old school is just as good as the present.
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