Driving on the left side
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-09-02 07:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 30 references Ignore this thread
Driving on the left side

I have about twenty five days until I leave for Atlanta. In twenty seven days I will be in New Zealand and on my way to some awesome destinations. It’s hard to believe that soon I will be in a new country and it’s less than a month away. I have all my rentals done and squared away its just getting all the information I need before I leave. I have a list of the places I want to go and a general idea of what sights I want to visit. Of course two weeks is never enough time in a new country but I think it will be a well spent two weeks. Of course I am going to try and get in as much as I can but since I have no idea what I am getting into I expect that a few things will have to skip due to time constraints. 

Not only that but I have to figure out how to drive this camper and do it on the correct side of the road. In the U.S (as I am sure most of you know) we drive on the right side but in New Zealand it is the opposite. I have a feeling I will get used to it quite quickly but I also know that I am terrible with my left and right when it comes to people saying things like "on your left" or "on your right" and it usually takes me a minute to compute that. So of course when it comes to driving I am sure I am going to be very nervous for the first few days. 

It is so close and yet also so far. I’m not going to lie I am so ready for this adventure and I just know that it is going to open new doors for me. 

Have any of you gone to a country where you had to drive on the opposite side of the road? If so how was it for you? 


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