Next of kin has to sign
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-09-07 07:00 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 40 references Ignore this thread
Next of kin has to sign

One of the things I have learned when it comes to someone passing Is that there is a **** ton of things that have to be done. If your lucky most of those things will be taken care of by the person who is dieing. If not then you unfortunately you have to make all the arrangements. For instance if someone passes and they haven't prepaid for their own funeral, urn, etc then you and the next of kin will have to figure out what to do and what that person would "want". I know for some families it would have been a war and really the only way to settle those types of things Is if the person who has died comes back from the dead to tell you what to do. 

Luckily our family didn't have any real issues and most things were taken care of. But because of this process I got to tag along for a day and a half and see how some of this is done. One of the interesting parts of the process was learning that for someone who is getting cremated you have to have all of the next of kin sign for the cremation to actually happen. Not only was I shocked but my father was as well. It definitely was something that not only was good to know but also something new that we both learned from this whole process. 

I can understand why you would need to have that but I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass it would be if you had siblings that were half way across the world or family that was always intoxicated or just crazy in general. Like good luck to you.

Of course this is only the beginning of the list of things you need to do. But it was one of the more interesting things I got a chance to learn about while I was tagging along with dad on this sad passing. 

They definitely don't prepare you for this sort of thing in school. 

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