What is in store for us
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-12-09 11:22 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 42 references Ignore this thread
What is in store for us

For the first time in a long time I have a week off from work and I didn’t even have to ask for it. The slow season is upon us and I really can’t complain too much about it. This will give me the proper time to get things settled, to make sure that all the presents are wrapped and ready to go. I will even have time to edit the rest of the videos I have in store for you guys and officially put them up before the end of the year. I’m really excited and a little nervous about 2019. To be honest I thought that 2018 was going to be a great year and I thought bigger things would happen. Of course big things did happen but not all of them were good and I went through a lot of sadness this year. My heart has been through so much and I am not sure how I am still able to function. I guess it’s because as humans we just know how to adapt and move forward. 

For this next year though D and I have a few plans that were working on and were trying our best to put them in action. I’m excited about what we have planned and we already have some great trips that are just around the corner. I’m looking at job opportunities as well as have some good opportunities in store for me. We also have learned of a campervan park that is near us. They sell campervans that are a little older and rundown but that also means that they wouldn’t be too bad to take with us since they will be a) much easier on the insurance and b) we will be able to update as we go and when we sell get most of the money back. 

Not only that but it seems like things are going to be ok for us and our families. Both sides are doing pretty ok right now and I think Death has had enough of playing games for a while. Hopefully that stays true but we will see. 

The year is close to its end and I am pumped up about what is to come. Stay tuned as more and more come to light. 

I hope you guys have had a good year and that you all are looking forward to the next year. 


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