When I was in New Zealand I took a tour of the Limestone caves. The tour is called the Ruakuri Cave Tour and it is in Waitomo, New Zealand. It also is near the Glowworm cave tour that I took and you can do a bundle package to see both or all three of the caves they have there. When I was there I only had time to do two of the caves so I was able to experience most of what was avaliable. Personally I thought they were amazing and I am glad I got to see both. It really made me feel small in this world. There is so much to explore and so much around us. This cave is just one of millions and it truly was wodnerous.
Our guide was one of my favorite guides. He was funny, he was great at explaining everything around us and he gave me time to take photos of the cave and the wonders it held. He was also interested in what I do and we shared everything from politics to photography.
In any case the caves are truly something and the history behind it is is something else. The cave was discovered somewhere between 400-500 years ago and it was by a maori hunter. While he was out hunting for food he was attacked by wild dogs that were near the entryway of the cave itself and because of that he ended up loosing the kill he made before and fled the area. Later on the elder and his tribe came back to the spot tand killed the dogs and ate them. After that the cave was named after the dogs ('rua means Den. 'Kuri' means Dogs which lead to Ruakuri) and the cave was then used as a sacred burial ground which is now protected with the construction of a sprial staircase that is a safe distance away from the real entrance of the cave.
To be honest I was surprised by the history of this place. I wasnt expecting it to be a burial ground much less as anything sacred. I think that is what makes this place so facinating though. It adds an extra layer of beauty and depth to the cave itself. All these years of carving paths in the caves and all the work that mother nature did to make it the way it is and now we get to see it with our own eyes. If you ever get a chance to see those caves I would highly recommend it. Its truly spectacular and I enjoyed every second of it.
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