It is so strange that I am at this point in my life. I say that because I didn't see it coming. I hoped for it but I try to be realistic with myself on a regular basis. I try to keep things flowing and normal. I try to live a life that I know is worth living and because of that I normally avoid anything that comes to other people. Yet here I am, typing this and telling you all that I have made it to five months with D. Yea. Five whole months. Today is the official mark of a time that I never saw coming my way.
See I don't like to look at relationships and go "awww thats cute". I just kind of look at relationships as a part of time where things become blurred. You focus on the other person and sometimes you loose sight of yourself. But I do emphasize on the word sometimes because I know that not every person gets caught in the portal of "Falling in love". Not everyone molds with the other person and literally becomes their other half.
So far my relationship has taught me quite a lot about myself when I am with others. It has given me an extra layer to my identity. I don't always agree that I like being in a relationship and to be honest I have moments where I wonder if I am doing the right thing being in a relationship with another human being. I don't see myself as a keeper. I don't see myself in this light that D sees me in and I will admit that it has been very difficult to adjust. We both are two different people and I don't know what the future holds for both of us. I don't know if we will make it to the end together or if we will split ways someday but I can say that right here, I am very content with him. I am happy he is mine and I am his.
Who knows what will happen in the future but I look forward to seeing what that future is like.
Cheers to five months and hopefully many more.
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