Please be patient and Kind today
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2018-12-24 11:22 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 31 references Ignore this thread
Please be patient and Kind today

Today is Christmas Eve which is pretty crazy to think about. So I to ask one thing from all of the people who follow this blog. There are a lot of stores that will be open till five today and because of that I do ask that you guy be kind to those that are working today. Some of them have been pulling doubles for the past few days and haven't had much sleep or time to spend with their families. I know that everybody wants to get that last minute present, treat, or drink but please remember that we are all human and that we all want to be home with those we love. 

Working on Christmas Eve is never fun and honestly its exhausting working before your day off. Its one of those things where you wish you could be home so being at work drains your body and makes you more tired then you actually are. I do hope that everybody will be kind to one another and be patient today. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and that you enjoy the time you have with your families. 




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