Iceland Reservation
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
Iceland Reservation

One of the things I am learning about Iceland is that they really want you to spend as much as possible for the simplest of things. I just made a reservation with a company called Mini Campers and it includes the basic things we need to make sure we can cook, sleep, and get around comfortably while we are there and they want a pretty decent amount of money for that reservation. Most of the rental places want half of your total amount and that can be anywhere between $1000 to $2000 in U.S currency. Honesty that is so much money and that made my heart drop a little bit looking at that much going to just a deposit. But of course its this little tiny island and they get plenty of tourism year around so why not charge ridiculous prices to those who want to see this amazing country? 

So now that I have made the camper van reservations I feel a little bit better about the whole ordeal and I can get other things done along the way. I have some things here and there that need my attention and I am working to get them done in the next few weeks. 

For the next video that is coming out I am so excited to finally talk about New Zealand, the prices, what I did and etc. I know there are some people out there who are interested in how much I spent, what I did and how it all went down. I spent two weeks there and it was a magical experience in its own way. I am so happy that I went and I wouldn’t change the experience for anything else. So I am super stoked to share what I did with you guys and help out those that also want to make that trip to New Zealand possible. I cannot wait.

Stay tuned for what is to come. You won’t be disappointed. 


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