Today is the Fourth of July! The day of independence. The day that we really became America of the ****ing united states. The day a lot of people sacrificed themselves so that we can be independent and live a life that nobody, anywhere else can have. It’s crazy to think that we are the one country. The one that everyone flees to for better jobs, better money, and better lives. Its crazy how we are represented. Of course if you dig really deep into the United States and you see the truth then you might not think it’s so great. Everyday people are getting cheated with information. Everyday people think that the fake news is the real news. Every day we work our butts off to make a minimum wage that can’t even pay for our rent and yet we still want to be independent. Every day we slave away and try to stay happy, fit, healthy, and have a good amount of sleep while still working that 9-5 job.
It’s crazy how we see America but I guess it’s better than most of the other options out there. We get robbed of our social security but I guess that’s better than having your head cut off if you are gay or cheat on your wife.
Today is one of those days to really remember where we come from, what we gave up to be a "free" country, and what we still do to stay "free". Yet the real question would be, are we really free? Is America really all that great? To be honest I am not so sure. I don’t really get into politics because I have grown up with it my entire life and after twenty years of hearing about everything you can imagine I mostly just listen but don’t put out my thoughts. Really I think its best just because I am someone who wants to live my best life and just be a part of the universe. Yet today I saw a George Carlin video about America and it just was ironic that I saw it today, on America's birthday of all days. If you didn’t see it on my twitter, well I am going to leave the link here.
Enjoy you guys and Happy 4th of Fu**ing July.
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