First time dog-siting
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-11-25 13:40 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 18 references Ignore this thread
First time dog-siting

Right now I am dogsitting two of these adorable puppers. Both of them are Labradoodles and both of them are so sweet and cuddly. And it helps that both of them are super well behaved. I can tell them to get up, lay down, sit, be easy and they do it. It's incredible how well-behaved dogs can make you feel so good. See im on Rover. It's an app that is designed for people who have dogs or cats to hire people to watch their homes and take care of their pets while they are on vacation. There are many upsides to having this kind of platform. 


For one, you can travel with it. You just change your location as you go and it updates on the website and lets local people know that you are in the area. This may help with travel expenses and even get you a good rep while you go. It also pays very well. You would be surprised what people would pay just for a week of watching their pets. You can make about $300 in six days if you play out the fees well enough. Of course the app itself takes a certain percentage out of your pay but that is just like any other job you do. So it works out. 


Along with the pay and travel perk, it also gives you a chance to love animals without having that animal. For me, It's nice to be dogsitting because I don't have a dog but I would love to have one. I just can't have one right now due to where I live, who I live with and of course Time. I don't have the time to train a puppy and I want one just as bad as I want to be a millionaire. Ok well not that bad but I do want one. 

Someday. Someday I will have my own pupper to love but for now, I will love these two amazing pups. 

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