I've come to realize a few things. Whenever I own my own house I have this feeling that it will be somewhere up in the mountains. The ceilings will be high but not too high and it might be small but not too small. There's something comforting about that feeling and for some reason, I have been feeling that for quite some time. I'm not sure where it came from but it is there. Of course, who knows what will really happen in the future. America is falling and depending on how things go it might be impossible to have a house one day without cutting off an arm or leg in the process. Maybe even a kidney.
Of course, if that happens then it might be very difficult to figure out how to even get a house or if it is even possible which wouldn't surprise me if it becomes something for only the rich and famous. Time will only tell when it comes to things like that. For now, though I am highly enjoying the set up that I have here. Its been so fun to imagine a life where I live in a house like this, having coffee in the morning, working from home, listening to music, and giving my fur babies all the love.
I have always wanted that kind of lifestyle and I am still hoping that one day I can get to that point where I feel completely satisfied and happy with where I am. I hope that there will even be another human by my side at that point and time in my life but if not then I am totally ok with having space all to myself.
Time will tell and I am pretty excited and a little frightened to see what happens.
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