Lifestyle changes, big and small
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-12-11 16:20 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 27 references Ignore this thread
Lifestyle changes, big and small

Its always good to make small changes in your lifestyle. Some people really go head-on, like going from a meat-eater to a vegetarian. Others buy more organic products rather than having processed foods. Some even cut going out and learn how to cook for themselves. Sometimes small changes then lead to bigger changes which are good and always help when it becomes a healthier lifestyle. Being happy and healthy is key to being true to yourself and making sure that you are taken care of in the best way your know-how. For me, its been things like using my hydro flask instead of a water bottle, Using more organic soaps instead of having processed ones, cutting back on eating out and the carbs and even taking a break with sweets. Things like that help me in more ways than one and of course, help a little bit when it comes to the planet we live on. 

Recently I just purchased a reusable straw. I'm hoping to help reduce some plastic and make things easier for me. Now I'm not sure how good they actually are since I just got them but I am more than willing to try it out and see how it goes. I did hear that if you want them for smoothies, frappes, or thick drinks in general than they might not be as useful as you would like since they typically are harder to clean. Luckily I am not one of those people and just want it for when I go out to the bar or a restaurant. I will be sure to give my review later and tell you guys which brand I used in case you are interested in such things. 

What are some things you do to make your lifestyle easier/better? 

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