My favorite holiday has always been Christmas. It's not because of the gift-giving, the idea of being around a fire or watching Christmas movies while getting drunk. The truth of the matter is that I love the idea of it bringing families together. It's the one holiday (besides Thanksgiving) that really gives people a reason to go home. It allows people to come together and enjoy the season with each other. If life has taught me anything its that people can be gone as quickly as the snap of two fingers. So being together, enjoying each other's company, and just being in the moment together is more than anyone can ask for.
Unfortunately, though this year I will be mostly be spending this Christmas without a special someone by my side. Luckily we are going to do our own version of Christmas before he leaves for home. Truth be told I feel like he should spend time with his family than be stuck here wishing he was home. So this year instead of me spending Christmas with his family I will be home spending it with my small tribe. As one of the last Christmas's I will be spending in my Childhood home I made dad get a real Christmas tree last night.
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