Turning the page for 2020
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2019-12-31 14:55 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 23 references Ignore this thread
Turning the page for 2020

As the year comes to a close I look back at 2019 and really think about all the things that came out of the year. I got a new job, I left a toxic relationship and found a healthy one, I started climbing more, I bought a truck, Visited Iceland, and I made a lot of friends. Things were pretty great for 2019 but I also felt like there was an even amount of downsides as well. This year has been hard on my art. Mainly because I was still recovering from the toxic relationship that I was in and because of that relationship its been hard to get back on track with my artwork, youtube, and just motivation in general. Its been weirdly rough and it's only been recently that it all clicked as to why I have been this way. 

Even just going to Iceland was weird because I was afraid that every time I would put down my phone I would get blown up with text messages as to why I wasn't answering or if I was ok every five seconds. To let you all know, my ex did this a lot in New Zealand and I had slight PTSD while I was in Iceland. Of course, that didn't happen because who I am with now understands that I am someone who takes my time enjoying where I am and I will answer when I want to or need to. Enjoying a new country means putting down the phone and just being apart of what's around you. 

With all these realizations I now know how I have to move forward for 2020. There are conversations to be made, there are changes to make, and there are so many wonderful new places to explore. Its time to get me out of the gutter and go full throttle into the new year. 

I hope each and every one of you out there stay safe, has fun and enjoys your last night in this decade. It truly has been a whirlwind and I am ready to leave it all behind. 

Its time to turn the page and start a new chapter. 

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