A lot is happening
Travels - Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography
2020-01-21 14:15 by Sarah Denninger
in Life Stories , 53 references Ignore this thread
A lot is happening

There has been a lot to think about. Its one of those things where you are going through the day focused on what is ahead but you can't help but still think about the other things that you have to do or want to get done. It has been something else. WOrk has been exhausting but rewarding, the dog sitting has finally slowed down a tiny bit and I feel like I'm starting to get things together when it comes to my upcoming trip. I have some things I still need to get and a few things on my list I need to do but overall I feel like I am slowly ticking off the things that need to get done. Slow and steady but still getting somewhere. 

I'm also still trying to figure out where I want to go for my birthday. It seems there is more going on then I expected. That's not bad but that it is a lot to plan in the future and it seems most stuff is happening in the summer. When I figure out what we are doing I will update you guys. I'm hoping that today I will be able to figure out a day to sit down and update my Youtube channel. I'm so excited. 

Thank you guys so much for being amazing and for supporting me. 


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