I am so sorry that I haven't been posting as usual. I have been pretty busy and I just went on a trip to my dad's new place. I went up there to take a mini-vacation with my boyfriend and we had a really good time. We got away from home, got to see the cities around where my dad lives, and get outside in the fresh air for a few days. We both needed it and we both were happy to just be together. WE also got to meet up with our group from the gym and do some outdoor climbing. It was quite wonderful to have some chill time with our usual group but not be around them too much that it ruined the vacation. It also gave me an idea of where I can go climb for when I come back to my dad's place in April.
I have a few friends that live in Nashville and they all climb together and take photos as they climb. The photo up above is one that my friend took of me on a 5.10C called Diamond Cutter. The name of the route was very fitting seeing as I cut my hand up pretty good about a third of the way up. Sadly I did not send the route but it was fun to try it and see if I could even start it. Now I am not going to say where my dad lives exactly just because I have no idea if he has talked about it in his blog and I personally just don't feel like reveling such a thing so I will leave it up to him on if he wants to tell you guys. Personally I think it's a great place for him and I'm excited to make trips up there and to be able to have a nice place to stay while I get outdoors and some more climbing experience under my belt.
The place that went to was Foster falls and it is near the park Fall Creek Falls. If you are long time readers then you remember when I posted about my adventure there and what happened in that beautiful park. If you don't remember or if you have never read the story then you should click here to go read the first part of the story. Its quite the story and taught me a lot about myself and what to do and not do when your adventuring with camera gear.
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